Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Revealed 2010 - Part 2

Don't Give
I (Daryl) work in a charity organisation where donations are crucial to the service to our beneficiaries. Very often, the term 'donor fatigue' comes up. This is where generous people like you become so inundated with so many requests for funds for so many different causes that it no longer is a joy to give. In this article, I'm supposed to be writing about our team's trip to Nepal on 3 - 12 December 2010. I'm supposed to write about how much we need to raise and I'm supposed to inspire Charisians to give generously.

Maybe the best thing to do is NOT to give.

Why am I asking you not to give? Because it can become quite a strain on the supporter in a missions-minded church like ours, especially during missions season in December. Maybe the best thing to do is to take a step back for a little while and pray. Allow God to inspire the joy to give. The last thing we want is become a burden to the church. I think the Apostle Paul explains this concept in his letter to the church in Corinth. (2 Corinthians 9)
He told them not to give reluctantly or under compulsion.
He understood that when we give cheerfully,
it allows God's Grace to abound in every good work.

In our last trip, we were invited to accompany the girls to school. This was a 20-minute walk away. The girls were as vibrant as always, joking among themselves, preening each other in preparation for school. School was a privilege for them and it seemed that they were all very aware of it. When we began our journey, I noticed that one of the girls had not properly zipped up her bag. As I moved closer, I saw that the zips were actually broken. (see pictures on reverse side) Looking around, I quickly spotted several bags that were in a similar condition. 

We have seen a need.
We would like to invite you to be part of the solution.

Ultimately, what we want is to translate the joy of your giving into blessing the ministry in Nepal. With your partnership, we seek to lift up the overlooked, the unloved, and the forgotten. We want to cause smiles and coax tears. We want to be there when their eyes light up when we tell them about Jesus. Do prayerfully consider if God has put it in your heart to support this ministry to meet the needs of the youth in East Nepal and the girls in the Sophia Home. We know that you will rejoice with us when you see the fruit of your giving.

. The Love Revealed Team .

Trip Information:
·         Daryl Goh, Samuel Teo, Gerald Wu, Jon Tang, Stefanie Oh, Georgina Tay, Elissa Oh,
·         3 – 12 December 2010
·         $7500 left to raise

Our involvement:
1.      Youth Camp for 60 youth in the Jhapa District in East Nepal
o   Facilitators in the games for youth camp
o   Teaching the youth a mass dance
o   Ministry (Prayer / Worship)

2.      Sophia Girls’ Home
o   Painting the walls of the common areas
o   Organising some activities and games
o   Doing devotions with them
o   Buying school bags for the girls

Ways to contribute:
  • Pray for our team
  • Giving cash or a cheque made out to cash;
  • Bank fund transfer to POSB savings account ###-#####-#
    *Do SMS the amount and reference number to Stefanie @ ########

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